Market Research and Data Salary Guide, UK Insights 2021

Letitia Oglesby
December, 2021

Over the last 33 years ENI has seen huge changes to the Insight, Market Research and Analytics professions. Those changes have accelerated over the last couple of years.

Changes include; the growth of data analytics, more information gathered in house, the growth of technology companies, changes to skills needed within insight, and an increased emphasis on insight having strategic impact. In addition whilst Covid initially had a negative impact on the profession, many areas are now experiencing enormous growth, and as a result, an unpreceded shortage of talent.

What does all this mean for salaries? We have created a 14 page guide looking at the salary averages across the Market Research and Insight industry.

The report is across every level; Entry, Mid-Level, Manager, Director and C-Suite, and we have also taken a look at the common titles; Research Executive, Senior Research Executive etc.

Good news, salaries are increasing rapidly but there are still inequalities within the industry. We have shared information on how Diversity impacts salaries, exploring the Gender Pay Gap, salary differences within Ethnicity and the LGBTQ+ community, and have highlighted some of our key findings below:

If you are interested in finding out if your pay is aligned with the market, how other companies are approaching flexible working or curious about moving into a different type of agency or in-house, please email for a copy.

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